Collect Data Transfer Overview


  • We expect 3 data files to be placed on our SFTP server every day; this data drives our texting program.
  • We provide a daily export of donors and their enrollment status through our SFTP server for your consumption.
  • We also provide reporting on the texting program through the Collect Recruiting Platform; you will receive a login when texting begins.

SFTP Information:

SFTP Folders:
  • /DailyFiles/: Place your Initial and Daily files here - this is the only place we look for data to import.
  • /ProcessedDailyFiles/: We move files that have been processed to this directory for few weeks before removing them from the site.
  • /Exports/: We pass data back to you through this folder. Only the latest export files will exist in this folder
  • /Exports/Prior Exports/: All prior exports are moved to this subfoler when new export files are generated
  • /Error/: We put files that we are not able to process into this directory for a few weeks before removing them from the site.

Import File Requirements:

  • File Delimiter: |
  • Text Qualifiers: Double Quotes ("")
  • File Encoding: UTF-8
  • Data Expected on FTPS Site: 1 AM MST
  • File Names: YOUR-ORG-HERE_FileType_YYYYMMDD.csv
  • All Dates in files must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
  • All DateTimes in files must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' format (24 hour format) and Local timezone

Data Imports: from You to HealthAware

There are two methods for managing your data transfer

  1. Initial Records and Daily Updates:
  2. Every Record Every Day
If you chose to design your own extract rather than using our queries to pull directly from Invita (Not Recommended):
  • You'll want to follow one of the two method above and produce files that match our file requirements
  • Link to the File Requirement Docs: Data Import: File Structure

Data Exports: from HealthAware to You

Donor Status File

  • Daily export of every donor we've ever seen from your team and their current enrollment status in our system.
  • Link to the docs: Data Exports: Donor Status File